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The Hidden Museum, 2018

Lobby Gallery

With this installation, visitors are challenged to locate “hidden” works of art the Susquehanna Art Museum. You may not realize something is a work of art until you read the label. Even then, is it?


DeSoto Family Vault

Meanderings features a collection of collagraphic prints by artist Valerie Dillon. With these pieces, the artist illustrates her journey of shifting between known and unknown spaces.

Mobility to Movement

Lobby Gallery

Mobility and Movement traces Isabel Bishop’s career exclusively through her printmaking. It also illustrates the customs and terminology of print editions.

Unpredictable Nature

S. Wilson and Grace M. Pollock Education Center Gallery

Artists Sandi Neiman Lovitz and Autumn C. Wright utilize gesture, shape, pattern, and spontaneity to create the abstract compositions featured in Unpredictable Nature.

Four Seasons and Seven Vices: Old Master Prints in Series

Beverlee and Bill Lehr Gallery

In printmaking series, artists in the Renaissance and Baroque era often depicted stories of the seasons, elements, planets, virtues, and vices. Four Seasons and Seven Vices introduces this approach to printmaking, highlighting why it found favor during this time.

Tradition Interrupted

Beverlee and Bill Lehr Gallery

Tradition Interrupted explores how artists weave contemporary ideas with traditional art and craft to create thought-provoking hybrid images and objects that have caught the world’s attention.

Our Current Exhibitions