With this installation, visitors are challenged to locate “hidden” works of art the Susquehanna Art Museum. You may not realize something is a work of art until you read the label. Even then, is it?
The Hidden Museum is a place to practice observation and interpretation. The artists hope it also gives visitors a chance to observe, seek, wonder, negotiate, uncover, and realize their own capacity for sensing significance. Visitors are invited to find their own work of art in the city of Harrisburg. Hold up your label, take a picture, and share it using hashtag #hiddenmuseumHBG.
Fear No Lit is an independent, unaffiliated literary organization working to create unique literary experiences both online and in person.
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Exhibition Details
The Hidden Museum, 2018
Created By: Erin Dorney and Tyler Barton of Fear No Lit
Tyler Barton
Tyler Barton is a literary advocate and a co-founder of Fear No Lit. He’s the author of the story collection, Eternal Night at the Nature Museum(Sarabande Books, 2021) and the flash fiction chapbook, The Quiet Part Loud (Split/Lip, 2019). He often leads free writing workshops for residents of assisted living facilities. Find his work in Kenyon Review, The Iowa Review, and in the Best Small Fiction 2020 anthology. Find him @goftyler or at tsbarton.com or in Lancaster, PA.
Erin Dorney
Erin Dorney is the author of I Am Not Famous Anymore: Poems after Shia LaBeouf (Mason Jar Press, 2018). Her writing has appeared in HAD, Passages North, Paper Darts, Juked, and elsewhere. Her literary artwork and installations have been exhibited at The Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Hennepin Theatre Trust, the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, and Susquehanna Art Museum. Her work has been supported by the Anne LaBastille Memorial Writers Residency, the Artist in Residence Program at Hewnoaks, at an Emerging Artist Residency at Tofte Lake Center, and as Artist in Residence at Spruceton Inn. She is the co-founder of Fear No Lit and lives in Pennsylvania.

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As a non-collecting museum, all of Susquehanna Art Museum’s galleries feature rotating exhibitions throughout the year.