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The Hidden Museum, 2018

Lobby Gallery

With this installation, visitors are challenged to locate “hidden” works of art the Susquehanna Art Museum. You may not realize something is a work of art until you read the label. Even then, is it?

The Matter of Money

S. Wilson and Grace M. Pollock Education Center Gallery

Mark Wagner is best known for his intricate collages made entirely from deconstructed US dollars. In this exhibition of his work, he invites viewers to examine their relationship with money and its meaning within politics, power, American Identity, and everyday life.

Art and Activism at Tougaloo College

Beverlee and Bill Lehr Gallery

Art and Activism traces the inception of this distinctive collection at the intersection of modern art, education, and social justice by highlighting Tougaloo’s evolution as a center for vanguard European and American art shaped by interracial collaboration and the pursuit of civil rights.

Kids Art Club: Craft Media (ages 7-9)

Kids Art Club: Craft Media  Students will have the opportunity to explore the 8th Annual Juried Exhibition: Transformative Craft and engage in a conversation about their favorite artworks on view, […]

$9.00 – $10.00

Our Current Exhibitions