Inspired By Art: A Virtual Creative Writing Workshop (via ZOOM)

In this 75-minute, online workshop, participants will explore the new SAM exhibit,The Modernists, while generating their own creative writing. Writers Erin Dorney and Tyler Barton of Fear No Lit will provide instruction and discussion on the practice of writing creatively in response to art (ekphrasis) and offer prompts and exercises to encourage participants to consider the work on view from different angles. As the Modernists experimented with subjects, techniques, and media to reject and critique the art which came before them, so too will participants in this workshop—writing toward new worlds they wish to see. Open to all experience levels.

Fear No Lit is an independent, unaffiliated literary organization working to create unique literary experiences both online and in person. Co-founded by Tyler Barton and Erin Dorney, it is home to events like Pagematch, initiatives like the Submerging Writer Fellowship, and The Hidden Museum (an art-inspired literary installation currently on display at the Susquehanna Art Museum). They have been leading creative writing workshops around the country since 2013. Learn more at

Non-Member Price: $12.00
Member Price: $10.00
48 Open Spots

Generous support for this program is provided by Art Bridges.


Event Details

Date: November 10, 2020

Time: 6:00 PM

Venue: Susquehanna Art Museum