Después de la Frontera / After the Border is a bilingual group exhibition that honors the stories of recent unaccompanied immigrant youth, families, and young adults who fled their homes in Central America. While providing cultural and historical context of the countries involved, the exhibition explores the complexities involved in crossing the border, challenges of integrating into a new environment, and what youth and families envision their futures to be.
In addition to gang recruitment, extortion, drug cartels, abuse, and persecution in their homeland, youth and families fleeing this violence face continued threats on their journey to a fate unknown.The dangerous passage through Mexico and across the border to the U.S. increases the likelihood that the youth may become the target of human trafficking, kidnapping, sexual assault, and death.
This exhibition is a testimony to the inner strength, resilience, and resourcefulness of these youth and families. Después de la Frontera / After the Border sheds light on their uncertainties and hopes that accompany their dreams of beginning a new life in the United States.
Después de la Frontera / After the Border is traveling to the Susquehanna Art Museum in August, 2016 from the Baltimore Creative Alliance. This exhibition, curated by Tanya Garcia, is the culmination of her year-long Baltimore Creative Alliance fellowship supported by the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation. Garcia is a Puerto Rican community artist, organizer, and storyteller. Her approach to storytelling is multifaceted and includes oral histories, video, and installation.
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Exhibition Details
Date: August 19 – December 4, 2016
Venue: Lobby Gallery
Exhibiting Artists: Reference List Below
Sponsored by: Messiah College

Dr. Emma Cervone, Latin American studies scholar, Towson University
Eric J. Garcia, political cartoonist
Tanya Garcia, multimedia artist and curator
Silvia Mata-Marin, social graphic designer, Fulbright & Robert W. Deutsch Fellow
Armando Mejia, photographer
Valeria Molinari, illustrator
Michelle Angela Ortiz, Philadelphia-based artist and muralist
Edgar Reyes, graphic designer, community artist
Levi Vonk, Fulbright Fellow, anthropologist
The Burg: Border Lines: New Exhibit Gives Voice to the Hopes, Terrors of the Immigrant Experience by Barbara Trainin Blank, September 2016
Rolling Stone: How Four Dudes Skated from El Salvador to the U.S. to Flee Gang Violence, by Levi Vonk, July 17, 2015
The City Paper, Baltimore: Stories of Youth and Families Fleeing Central America, by Rebekah Kirkman, September 9, 2015

Third in the Burg
Friday, August 19, 2016
6:00 – 9:00 pm
Free Admission
View EVent
Screening of Sin Nombre at the Museum
Friday, September 23, 2016
6:00 pm
Light refreshments and closing reflections led by curator Tanya Garcia directly following the movie
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In-depth, bilingual tour of Despues de la Frontera with curator Tanya Garcia
Saturday, October 15, 2016
2:00 pm
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