by Bonnie Mae Carrow | May 15, 2024 | Collections
Rosemary Browne’s Teapots Teapot Rosemary Browne “These tea pots were lovingly collected in memory of my darling son, Zachary. During his time as a teenage cadet at Valley Forge Military Academy, Zach had a friend whose family were tea connoisseurs. He became a...
by Bonnie Mae Carrow | May 15, 2024 | Collections
Marilyn Kauffman’s Elephants Elephant Story Marilyn Kauffman “My name is Marilyn Derr Kauffman and I am 88 years old. As growing up an only child my best friends were books. Once while recuperating from a nasty bout of flu, I was given a book by a friend...
by Bonnie Mae Carrow | May 15, 2024 | Collections
Lois and Jim WIlliams’ Thai Rubbings Thai Temple Rubbings Lois and Jim Williams “When visiting Bangkok, in southern Thailand, we purchased several temple rubbings to present as gifts to friends and family and kept a few for our enjoyment. Thailand is famous for...
by Bonnie Mae Carrow | May 15, 2024 | Collections
Joyce Davis’ Rugs Rugs, Rugs, Rugs Joyce Davis “Some people collect fine paintings, sculptures, or sparkling jewelry. But there’s another art form that has inspired me from my first travels into the Middle East — oriental carpets. I fell in love with...
by Bonnie Mae Carrow | May 15, 2024 | Collections
Jean M. Foschi’s Glass Collection Mom’s Glass Jean M. Foschi “My mom shared her love of antiques with me. My childhood home was full of pieces of vintage furniture she brought back to life through hours of refinishing. When I was seven or so, my mom picked...
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