Verna Edmonds’ Christmas Angel Collection

Angels, Angels Watching Over Us
Verna Edmonds
“Over the years, in my mother’s travels on six of the seven Continents, she started collecting African American Angels for my sister and my Christmas Trees. Some of the Angels were an exaggeration of black face with big lips and bucking eyes. Most of the Angels were so angelic. In Spain, she found the Llardo Angels and Black Manger scene. South Africa Angels were made out of tin cans with the labels still on them. From Australia’s Queensland the angels were made out of pineapple leaves. In Indonesia, the angels were made out of coconut leaves. South American angels were very ornate and with bells. The saying goes when the bells ring an angel is getting their wings.
Seeing all the angels on the tree, friends began giving Thomas Blackshear’s Angels to add to the collection. Also, a collection of Angels were given that now sit on the Coffee Table. One of the ones I particularly like is the Della Reese Angel from her television show, ‘Touched by an Angel.’ It is always a delight when someone comes at Christmas to add a new Angel to the tree.”

Memories & Inspiration: The Kerry and C. Betty Davis Collection of African American Art is organized and toured by International Arts & Artists.