The Creatures Collages

The Creatures collages are a series of six analog collages made exclusively from National Geographic Magazines. This series is the visual component of a collaboration entitled Creatures: Some Mythical. In its entirety, Creatures features classical guitar compositions with live signal processing by composer/guitarist Rusty Banks, projection and animation by video artist/lighting designer Andy Babin, and collages by Dan Zdilla.

Each piece is an interpretation of a creature from Banks’ upbringing in rural Alabama. As a child, many Appalachian creatures seemed magical and it was not always clear which were real and which were mythical. For this exhibition, the six collages are supplemented by a soundscape composed by Banks.


Dan Zdilla is an artist from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He works in collage, creating naturalistic imagery that is at times representational or allegorical. His current work is made exclusively from National Geographic magazines and glue. He is a 2005 graduate of Millersville University with a degree in art education, and a 2018 graduate of Millersville University with a master’s degree in art education. He lives and works in Lancaster City with his wife Katie, daughter Cecilia and dog Frannie.

Plan Your Visit

Exhibition Details

Date:  April 5 – June 25, 2023

Gallery: DeSoto Family Vault

Third in the Burg

Friday, April 21, 2023
5:00 – 8:00 pm
Free Admission

Third in the Burg

Friday, May 19, 2023
5:00 – 8:00 pm
Free Admission

Third in the Burg

Friday, June 16, 2023
5:00 – 8:00 pm
Free Admission
