Margins and the Height of the Sun


Margins and the Height of the Sun encompasses a body of work Elaine Elledge created as she worked to find balance between her life as an artist and full-time parent, while also seeking a diagnosis for an unknown medical condition. The limitations on her time and strength caused her to create these works in the margins of her daily tasks and during periods of good health.


Using everyday items such as cheesecloth, gauze, paper, and fabric, her work reflects domestic life and references the body. She combines these items with printmaking and sewing techniques to explore the depth and complexity of motherhood, the frailty of the human body, and what it means to cultivate through care and relinquish control.


“Between moves, babies, and illness, making art is not done out of abundance but exhaustion and weakness. It is necessary; it is beautiful; it is hard.”


Elaine Elledge is a 2014 graduate of the printmaking program at Penn State University. She earned the Penn State Bruce Shobaken Endowed Award in Printmaking, which funded her time as an artist in residence at Green Olive Arts in Tetouan, Morocco. In December 2018, she received a grant to complete her design for a large-scale, interactive, outdoor installation at Rhoneymeade Sculpture Garden and Arboretum. She currently lives in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with her spouse and two young children, where she is also a permanent studio artist at The Millworks.

Plan Your Visit

Exhibition Details

Date:  June 19 – October 6, 2024

Gallery: Lobby Gallery

Third in the Burg

Friday, July 19, 2024
5:00 – 8:00 pm
Free Admission

Third in the Burg

Friday, August 16, 2024
5:00 – 8:00 pm
Free Admission

Pre-K Paper Play

Thursday, September 12, 2024
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Register here

Third in the Burg

Friday, September 20, 2024
5:00 – 8:00 pm
Free Admission
