Karen Love’s Books

Karen Love’s Books

Karen Love’s Books Books, Books, and More Books! Karen Love “My love of books was instilled in me by my parents. My mother would take my brother and me to the library, and I remember snuggling close to her as she read the books that I chose.  My father,...
Rev. Matthew Best’s Running Medals

Rev. Matthew Best’s Running Medals

Rev. Matthew Best’s Running Medals Racing Reminders Rev. Matthew Best   Pastor Matthew Best was motivated by watching the movie, “Bend it Like Beckham” while living a few blocks from the US Capitol in 1998.  He started by running one block in 2003 and...
Ryan Hoffman’s Hardwood

Ryan Hoffman’s Hardwood

Ryan Hoffman’s Hardwood Functional to Fine Art Ryan Hoffman   Ryan’s adventures with wood go back to early childhood when he fondly remembers working in the shop with his maternal grandfather (and occasionally sharing a cigarette). His great-grandfather...