Dr. Dorothy King’s Dolls

Collecting Dolls
Dr. Dorothy King
“My path to doll collecting began some eleven years ago when I learned that Sweet Remembrances Tearoom was sponsoring a special tea with the theme of “dolls.” Dolls, that got my interest.
I thought to myself, ‘You like dolls. You still have some of your childhood dolls—well about six of them—and you absolutely love taking afternoon tea. This will be a fun program. You should go.
I went! There was a speaker who talked about dolls. She asked those present to share a doll story and to hold up a doll if they had brought one. I did both.
Before the tea ended, the speaker told us that she was the President of Central Penn Doll Collectors Club, pointing out a few Club members in the audience. Wait, a doll club? Is there such a thing as a doll club? I think I said that aloud.
Of course, said a club member producing a brochure with contact information. She invited me to come to one of the meetings. I did.
Asked to introduce myself at the meeting, I said I wasn’t a collector. I said that I just had some dolls. I heard voices saying, ‘maybe you aren’t yet,’ or ‘we’ll fix that,’ or ‘it won’t be long.’
Well, I joined the club a few months later. In the decade that has passed since then, my “non” collection has grown from six dolls to about 125. This is still a relatively small number compared to some club members who can count at least a thousand dolls in their collections.
I am having just as much fun playing with dolls as I did when I was a child. Well, truth be told, I am having MORE fun!”

Memories & Inspiration: The Kerry and C. Betty Davis Collection of African American Art is organized and toured by International Arts & Artists.