Doshi is a Japanese word for “fellowship”. The Doshi Gallery was founded by Maya Schock, and Doshi activities continue in her memory, in the spirit of fellowship.
Doshi Open Studio is beginning its fifteenth year (2003 – present) as an ongoing creative forum for visual artists to discuss their works in progress and to offer peer critique. Participants also conduct reviews of local, regional and national exhibitions, and share information about exhibition opportunities.
The idea for the Doshi Open Studio began as the result of a meeting held at the Susquehanna Art Museum in the Doshi Gallery for Contemporary Art in September 2003, which asked the audience of about 75 people what activities they would like for the regional community of artists. The consensus of opinion was to have a monthly peer critique. On October 2nd, 2003, the first Doshi Open Studio was held. To date, we have held 145 monthly sessions, averaging about 6 critiques per session.
For this exhibition, artists who attended Doshi Open Studio in 2016 were invited to submit work.
Plan Your Visit
Exhibition Details
Date: March 3 – May 14, 2017
Venue: Education Gallery
Exhibiting Artists: Reference List Below
Scott Campbell
Paul Gallo
Maaike Heitkönig
Mary Hochendoner
Andrew Hoff
Beverlee Lehr
Bryson Leidich
Jo Margolis
Michele Taber
Barbara Warfel
John Whitney

Third in the Burg
Friday, April 21, 2017
6:00 – 9:00 pm
Free Admission
View Event
Doshi Open Studio
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
6:00 – 8:30 pm
Free Admission
Doshi Open Studio offers visual artists an opportunity to share their works in progress, to discuss upcoming exhibition opportunities, to review regional and national exhibitions, and to offer peer critique. Typically the Open Studio begins with a listing of upcoming exhibitions and opportunities, followed by individual critiques. Most artists bring in 1-3 works in progress, but we welcome you to come for the session even if you just want to watch, or offer your thoughts about the work being presented. Each individual critique lasts about 15 minutes. There is always time for discussion of materials and techniques, and artists frequently share their thoughts about the inspiration and creative concept for their work. Doshi Open Studio is not a portfolio review; the purpose of Doshi Open Studio is to advance and encourage the art making process.