Nathan and Marry Ellen Baxter’s Worldly Collection

The Baxter Family A Collection About the World
The Right Reverend Nathan Baxter,
Violist and Educator Mary Ellen Walker Baxter and Petunia family pet
The Baxter’s collection reflects their personal pride and engagement with the world. The pieces are from places across the African diaspora in North America, the vast continent of Africa, the Caribbean, as well as traditional artisanship from Japan. The artistic works that hold strong emotional ties are those that depict mother and child or religious references to Madonna and Child. The images reflect the female figures providing maternal care while in action. Conversely, the Ethiopian tradition of Christian imagery, likely dating back to 500 ACE, can also be found in the Baxter’s collection. These images reach out to the viewer with a sense of reverence, dignity, and delight.
The images can bring a smile to face of a child, a tear to a mother and glow of triumph to anyone.

Memories & Inspiration: The Kerry and C. Betty Davis Collection of African American Art is organized and toured by International Arts & Artists.